The Linux WSEControl Page [circa early 2006]
This page provides some information on a QT 3-based C application by W3SZ that allows you to control the WSE receiver modules designed and built by SM5BSZ Leif Asbrink
in Linux without running Linrad.
Linrad is an extraordinary weak signal receiver by SM5BSZ. To accompany this software Leif, SM5BSZ, designed and built an equally extraordinary set of Hardware modules. These cover 500 KHz slices containing the 1.8, 3.5, 7, 10, and 14 MHz bands, and the lower 2 MHz of the 144 MHz amateur radio band. When using these with Linrad, Linrad provides the necessary hardware control. But if you plan to use the WSE boxes with your own software, or with
some of the DttSP software
then you may want to use an ancillary program to control the WSE boxes. WSEController by W3SZ is such a tool.
Click wsecontrol.tar.gz to download.
This tar.gz file contains:
'wse' , the QT 3-derived executable file as well as the source files and other
ancillary files related to the QT 3 environment.
You expand the tarball by typing 'tar zxvf
wsecontrol.tar.gz'. You can run the executable file by typing './wse' .
If you want to modify and recompile the application instead of just running the
executable file I would suggest that you download QT3-Designer and
QT3-Assistant. You can get these as Debian packages qt3-designer and
qt3-assistant. There are also ancillary qt3-related files that you may
want to download as well.
Having modified the source wse.pro and its daughter files with QT-Designer, you
can compile it by typing 'qmake -o Makefile wse.pro'. When you are back
at the command line, just type 'make'. Then, typing './wse' will run your
modified application.
The WSE Controller controls the frequency of the WSE whether you are using the RXHFA HF module or the RX144 module as the front end, and allows you to listen to 160, 80, 40, 20 or 2 meters, or 10 MHz with the WSE hardware.
If you try my WSE Controller let me know how it works [or not] for you.
Copyright 1997-2007 COPYRIGHT Roger Rehr W3SZ. All Rights Reserved
Brought to you by the folks at W3SZ