K1RZ / W3SZ Database

Enter your 6-digit, 8-digit, or 10-digit grid (or your 4-digit grid if you don't know your 6, 8, or 10-digit grid)
and optionally the height of your antenna ASL (Above Sea Level) in meters.
If you don't specify an altitude, then the SRTM altitude for the center of your grid square will be used.

Your Grid Your Altitude

For up to 10 remote stations, enter the remote station's 6-digit, 8-digit, or 10-digit grid (or your 4-digit grid if you don't know their 6, 8, or 10-digit grid)
and optionally their callsign and the height of their antenna ASL (Above Sea Level) in meters.
If you don't specify an altitude, then the SRTM altitude for the center of the remote station's grid square will be used.

Remote Grid Remote Altitude Remote Callsign (Optional)

Remote Grid #2 Remote Altitude #2 Remote Callsign #2 (Optional)

Remote Grid #3 Remote Altitude #3 Remote Callsign #3 (Optional)

Remote Grid #4 Remote Altitude #4 Remote Callsign #4 (Optional)

Remote Grid #5 Remote Altitude #5 Remote Callsign #5 (Optional)

Remote Grid #6 Remote Altitude #6 Remote Callsign #6 (Optional)

Remote Grid #7 Remote Altitude #7 Remote Callsign #7 (Optional)

Remote Grid #8 Remote Altitude #8 Remote Callsign #8 (Optional)

Remote Grid #9 Remote Altitude #9 Remote Callsign #9 (Optional)

Remote Grid #10 Remote Altitude #10 Remote Callsign #10 (Optional)

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